The first task is to get familiar with Chinese characters system and stroke orders. Then to proceed to words, sentences and paragraph will be quite easy.
With the new software eStroke, learning Chinese characters has never been easier! This software is designed for non-Chinese people. The features include:
Animated characters stroke order.
Support copy and past; drag and drop; and other Chinese input system.
Show Pinyin and English meaning of each character.
Produce speech.
Displaying radical stroke.
Pronouncing strokes name.
Support both simplified characters and traditional characters.
Control animation speed.
Thousands of registered users.
Free upgrade.
Free technical support.
Schedle: June 16, 2005 (Friday)
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Admission: HKD50 per person
Please register by or before June 13 at MSL Learning Center.