Mandarin Express Intro Level A was out by the end of May, and now Intro Level B will be out soon in about one week. By then Intro Level Student's Book (published version) will be completed. Intro Level A Work Book is on its way, and it will be ready next month or in early September.
Once in a while, there will be a student ask me why there is no English translations in our textbooks.
As the entire Mandarin Express series is classroom textbooks, English translations can have more negative effects than positive ones. (Classroom textbooks are different from referrence books, like dictionaries, or grammar books etc. ) The plan is only Intro Level books have some English instruction, and the other levels all leave English out.
But as this subject is raised from time to time by different people, maybe what they really need is a students manuel or guidebook. This will be a referrence book, using English to explain everything in the textbook.
Upon this, it's good to hear some other opinions.